Methods & Madness x Caroll Taveras
Methods & Madness x Caroll Taveras

Colombian Cheese Bread served with cultured and hand-churned butter to reflect Taveras' commitment to analog large-format photography/old-fashioned methods of image production. 

Methods & Madness x Anne McClain/MCMC Fragrances
Methods & Madness x Anne McClain/MCMC Fragrances

Menu for dinner w Anne McClain

Methods & Madness x Wesley Allsbrook
Methods & Madness x Wesley Allsbrook

Entire room covered in the inked drawings of Wesley Allsbrook 

Decay Dinner-Methods & Madness x Guerilla Science
Decay Dinner-Methods & Madness x Guerilla Science
decay karla.JPG
Decay Dinner with Guerilla Science
Decay Dinner with Guerilla Science
Bunch of Roses Dinner photo by Sylvie Rosokoff
Bunch of Roses Dinner photo by Sylvie Rosokoff
 One of the courses from the Total Smoke Show food & fragrance dinner

One of the courses from the Total Smoke Show food & fragrance dinner